Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Satan Eve

Sorry for the posting pause, I was languishing away in early-wake-up-call land.

So, Sunday evening. After a day of preparations, we made our way once again down the 405/5. Rachael had dubbed this “the ugliest drive in America”. I tried to dissuade her of this notion – “Um, no, Rach – it’s actually quite pretty, there’s ocean and green and stuff” but she wasn’t having any of it. Clearly she hasn’t spent time on the New Jersey Turnpike. Then, out of the blue, somewhere between Culver City and Oceanside, Rach exclaims “this is pretty” as if our earlier discussion had never occurred. I, of course, remind her and she realizes that hunger and exhaustion can affect the way one perceives their surroundings. It was magic hour the whole way down, we sang our hearts out to the “Rach’s Possible Audition Songs” mix and a good time was had by all. Which is a good thing, because we were only a few short hours away from entering the 9th ring of hell. We’ve seen where the devil lives, people. It’s no fun there. I recommend you behave yourselves.

Dinner calls but I will post again soon with the gory details.